Cast & Crew
Dallas is an American prime time television soap opera developed by Cynthia Cidre and produced by Warner Horizon Television, that aired on TNT from June 13, 2012, to September 22, 2014. The series was a revival of the prime time television soap opera of the same name that was created by David Jacobs and which aired on CBS from 1978 to 1991. The series revolves around the Ewings,
Dallas is a long-running American prime time television soap opera that revolves around the Ewings, a wealthy Texas family in the oil and cattle-ranching industries. "Dallas", which was broadcast in over 90 countries and dubbed into 67 languages, stays one of the longest-lasting full-hour primetime dramas in American TV history.
- Keywords
- Release DateJune 13, 2012
- Languages
- Taglines
- They're back. And no, you're not dreaming.