Filmed the movie about child abduction and human trafficking’s. Millionaire Christopher Gates is homeless after losing his family. He gives up on life only to...

I just received an email from AMS pictures telling me about the new TV show Series that premieres tomorrow night (Monday 9/28) on Investigation Discovery....

One Heart is a true story about a 2008 foot ball team in Grapevine. I was honored to play the role of Foot Ball coach...

I had the honor to play the role of the Doctor on the TNT TV series in several episodes.

From robbing banks in previous roles, to now a head pastor of a church, God Redeems! Another fun role to play the head pastor of...

Playing several roles on this Jerry Bruckheimer series, but the most notable was the Houston Police Department Sergeant (HPD). We got to catch bad guys...

Shooting the final episode of Friday Night Lights. I had the privilege to play the role of the photographer so was able to be on...

I have robbed banks and have the film to prove it, as playing the role on the TV series (official photo from Episode 8). Dan...

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